
Paid Legal Services

Legal Services
Legal Services

103 - I just got this paperwork. Now what?

SKU 103
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103 - I just got this paperwork. Now what?
Product Details

It happens all the time. Law is about paperwork more than anything else. Some of the paperwork is meaningless, but most have an important impact and a deadline by which we need to take action.

You will need to fax or scan to PDF the new paperwork to us, and set up a consultation to discuss what it is, and what needs to be done in response, if anything. The consultation will involve advising you of what it is, the result of time spent by the lawyer reading and evaluating it, and clear instructions and advice on what needs to be done in response, and when.

This does NOT include a drafting of any response, communication with the Court or opposing lawyer, or drafting any paperwork in response. This is SOLELY for information. Any unused balance will be applied to future work or refunded.