
Paid Legal Services

330 - Deposition Preparation

SKU 330
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Depo Notice [attach as PDF here ofr separately FAX to 888 764 1919]
330 - Deposition Preparation
Product Details

In rare cases, the landlord's lawyer wants to take your deposition. It's the relatively formal process with a court reporter taking down everything that is said, with the landlord's lawyer asking you questions, and you testify under penalty of perjury.

It can be an intimidating experience if you don't know how to handle it, or it can be a very comfortable and even fun experience if you do. You've probably never done this before, and you know that the results of this deposition could end up at the trial, and the landlord's lawyer is trying to scare you into giving up.

It usually takes 1/2 hour to go over what the general process is, what you need to say, how to handle questions, how to avoid responding and other things. It if takes more time because you have extensive questions, then you would pay for more segments of this.

This does NOT include consultations over the phone WHILE you are in the deposition, nor any discussion of what happened, nor any review of the transcript, nor any advice regarding the transcript which you will be presented to sign.This is ONLY to prepare you for the deposition itself, and no more.

Legal Services