Rumors of renter rights abound, making you unsure of what to do. Some laws are unclear, or apply in one city, but not another. Many lawyers don’t know what to do, so they tell you to just give up. That’s no answer.
The law is not a place to guess. You need to know. It is also not a place to “wait and see.” Taking the right steps as early as possible is critical to your goals. If you wait and see, the “light at the end of the tunnel” could be the headlight of an oncoming train. Don’t take that risk.
a. Find out how things are supposed to be, so that you can
b. Identify where the real problems are, and then
c. Take effective action to correct them.
The purpose of this website is to clear the air, take away those clouds of trouble and doubt, and help you achieve what you want.
California Tenant Law also provides a lawyer directory for finding lawyers near you.
You are encouraged to review the free legal advice before you have a consultation, so that you understand the background of the issues you face and can better focus on what you need to know.